Halal Reviews for Uzumaki Holborn

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Veselin Naumov

a week ago


Great food and great people. Everything made from scratch all real ingredients. And the wall art is awesome. LOVED IT! 🍜🍜🍜

Andu Ava

a month ago


Honestly, the best ramen I have ever ate in London. Clean taste, true ramen , slow cooked for endless hours and super fresh sushi. Can’t wait to try the bubble tea once they launch it. Highly recommend place with friendly and attentive staff members.

leyna shen

a week ago


The bubble tea is incredibly delicious, the salmon is very fresh, and the ramen is delicious. The staff is very kind and friendly. The atmosphere of the whole shop is perfect. I like it

Bartosz Kopacz

in the last week


OMG this guys they know what they doing !!! Ramen amazing, sushi 🀩 and don’t forget about amazing bubble teas Amazing place !!!

George Savage

a month ago


Great ramen made from scratch, well worth a visit