Halal Reviews for DF Tacos Market Halls Canary Wharf

We've collected all the Halal reviews for DF Tacos Market Halls Canary Wharf and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Mike Lee

8 months ago


I was honestly surprised to see the low ratings. My tacos were quick, reasonably priced, and delicious. Only complaint is tacos should be on corn tortillas and the flour ones used were not the freshest. Then again, I lived in Mexico for awhile so am picky about my tacos. 🤷‍♂️

Hannah Kennedy

2 months ago


My go-to taco place in Canary Wharf - SO tasty and such a cool space for both a quick lunch break and after work drinks. I recommend the buttermilk chicken tacos!

James Huckstepp

6 months ago


Delicious tacos. Recommend the plantain. Potentially the best in London. Quick and convenient. I’ll be back

Kaushal Patel

3 months ago


Was lovely. Had the buttermilk was beautiful Let’s go !!!!! 🚀🚀🚀

Carlos Xilotl

5 months ago


Worst customer experience I've had with DF!! I've been waiting in line for 10 mins only to be told once my turn that they were not taking orders for 15 mins. Really bad customer service!! Love the tacos though.