Halal Reviews for Burger Trap Barking

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2 months ago


Driving past and saw this new shop went to try it out and was amazed by the food!! The trap burger was delicious and had a unique taste compared to other beef patty burgers! Chips and sauces were unique and tasty! Tip… More choice of deserts would of been better! Amazing customer service thanks!

Naara Fix

2 months ago


Saw this shop was new and decided to get a meal to try. The beef burger is amazing and reasonably priced. I love their sauces too. Will definitely come back.

Siddikue Ahmed

2 months ago


Surprisingly good! Saw this new shop pop up around the corner from Asda. I gave it a go and was not disappointed. The food was great and so was the service. Look forward to trying out the rest of their menu.

99Studios UK

2 weeks ago


The Trap Triple was sure damn good! Highly recommend to try this place if you haven't! 10/10 for me.


2 months ago


It's just a 2 min walk from my apartment. Good tasting burgers, decent prices with friendly customer service over the phone or in person. A gem in the heart of Barking!!!