Halal Reviews for Market Table Greenwich Village

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Market Table Greenwich Village and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Judy Chau

2 months ago


Service and food were fantastic here. It's mostly seafood based dishes. My handsome companion got the salmon with something risotto and I got the baked cod fish with lump crab meat. The fish was well prepared and not over cooked. The restaurant also has a romantic ambience to it in case you're looking for a date place. Many of the items on their menu seem gluten-free as well. Overall, we had a wonderful experience.

Cecile Davidian

3 months ago


Good is excellent. Everything we tried was delicious. Must try! And very friendly and professional service

Joseph Brown

2 months ago


Excellent food. Service was slow when we visited (they were packed and likely short staffed... Be patient, food is so worth the wait). Please, for the love of all you hold dear, fix or run your A/C! It was cool outside but it was miserably warm inside. That many human bodies and a kitchen really can't be cooled by a single open door.

Tzvi Wertenteil

5 months ago


Unique touch to everything on the menu. AND delicious cocktails. I love when a restaurant gets the music right. The vibe was perfect and the service was above and beyond.