Halal Reviews for East Street by Tampopo Fitzrovia

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2 months ago


Ordered the sharing platter. The sharing platter was really good but I really expected more servings. The serving was so small I feel like it’s only good for one person. Nonetheless, service was good and price was fair. I would definitely come back 😊

Lubo Ivan

3 weeks ago


I come here often with friends and I never have a complain. I even organised a company event here and the managers were very useful and friendly. The staff are always so friendly and make jokes which really is rare but so nice for a London restaurant. They aesthetics are very vibrant and colourful, the drinks can be a bit too watered down sometimes but not always so I guess it’s just the bartender.

Mark Taylor

3 weeks ago


A few friends and I regularly eat here. The staff are helpful friendly even when they are busy. My favourite is the vegan pad Thai. Just the right amount of spice. Really comforting food on a cold winters evening. And check out the bathroom experience lol !!

Adrian Mack

2 weeks ago


Varied pan Asian menu. Enjoyed the corn fritters - generous portion too. Singapore tofu curry quite sweet and mild. Had a bit of food envy for friend's sweet potato katsu.

Jelena Stephenson

4 months ago


Went there yesterday after a couple of years - yes the food is still fantastic! Absolutely out of this world! Highly recommended:) I used to go there regularly when I worked in the area but will definitely make an effort to start visiting more often:) The best restaurant in the area, the food is fresh and absolutely delicious!