Halal Reviews for Cut + Grind Camden

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Cut + Grind Camden and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Ya boi Zippo

3 months ago


Not bad. Nice quiet place with multiple options for any vegans.

Marmar مرمر

a month ago


This place has a lovely ambience and in a good location. I had a halloumi burger which was very delicious and the fries were yummy. I had to pay for your spicy mayo sauce which went well with my meal. The staff were really friendly and helpful. I 100 recommend and will visit again soon ♡


2 months ago


Great meat. Great service. Recommended.

Calin Calina

3 months ago


Best Burger.