Halal Reviews for Dave's Hot Chicken Wilshire Boulevard

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7 months ago


Amazing spot right under our Law Firm. This place opened a couple of years ago and their story is amazing. Thank you Dave's Hot Chicken! Simply Delicious!

Rachel Kroll

5 months ago


I've ordered from this location multiple times and what I love about it is that the food quality is consistent and the service is fast. I recommend ordering online so you don't have to wait too long at the store because the area can feel unsafe at certain hours. The person at the pick-up counter each time I went was super friendly and efficient. I usually order the 2-sandwich combo with one Extra Hot and one Reaper. The spice levels may seem intimidating at first, but compared to other hot chicken places, Reaper at Dave's is pretty mild IMO. The Mac and Cheese is just okay, but kind of worth swapping it in instead of fries because it helps calm down the spice in your mouth as you eat the chicken.

e Sarmiento

a year ago


item #3 The chicken is really tender and juicy. I got the medium level of spiciness. if you're a Latino or korean who likes it spicy, medium is prolly mild for you. the fries are ok. but we're here for the chicken.

Luis Sanchez

a year ago


This is my first time ever ordering and trying this place and I ordered not 1 but TWO sliders. I was excited because I was always being recommended to this place but when I got my order I had NO chicken. No chicken in both sliders. Just a bun and cheese and some fries. Ive tried calling back but no answer either. I’ve never been so disappointed.

Paul Kim

a year ago


The spicy fried chicken burgers were good. But, the fries lacked the quality and taste because they required more ingredients with handmade style. Even though it's still nice to eat there, so I like it.