Halal Reviews for Pittabun Carnaby

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Peter Daniëls

a year ago


They just moved to Camden. Great fresh and tasty pita's. Such a friendly service. Allways with a big smile.

Konstantinos K

5 months ago


Well, I wanted to rate it as 4-stars because of the chips (very heavy) and the XXS portion of tzatziki sauce... but I tried the lemon chicken pocket bun and I can say that I tasted a great harmony of flavours and fresh materials. The portion was Medium. I will definetely visit again Pittabun and I will not add fries to my bun.

Larissa Qat

3 years ago


I was never thankful for an unexpected rain shower as on this day, because it made us run into this little restaurant tucked away in Carnaby. If you love Greek food, this is your place. My favorite was the Greek salad which was one of the best I’ve EVER had! And the fish pita (salivating while writing). It’s healthy and staff are lovely, you can hear them speak in Greek which adds a lovely ambiance.