Halal Reviews for Biryani Guys Gants Hill

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Usama Mohammad Ilyas

a month ago


One of the best biryani ever had outside Pakistan. Great portion size great taste and friendly service. GOD Speed

Shere Khan

a month ago


Very poor. Ordered chicken biriyani, there is hardly any chicken in there..it looked like thin shreds of lamb..its actually a few shreds of chicken.... Previously I had the same order and there was a whole chicken leg. This place is trying to mislead and shift ingredients about , probably shreds of chicken leftovers from.something else. I feel misled and over charged at £9. Will not order from here again - all I was left eating really was rice doused in spicy curry sauce. They know what they are doing - ripping you off. DO NOT ORDER HERE

Soumya Ranjan

3 weeks ago


The Vegan Biryani was so deliciously good. But, the best thing is the Chai and the talk with Asif. Would certainly visit this place again. This time for the Super Spicy Chicken Biryani.


a month ago


Nothing like Karachi style biryani and not fresh its re-heated. Rice was oily and the steam process (dum) wasnt done well. Portion size was too small for the price as well.