Updated on 21st February 2023
Thai street food
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Frequently Asked Questions
What cuisines does Pitaya Strand serve?
Pitaya serves Thai.
Is Pitaya Strand Halal?
Yes, Pitaya does serve Halal food. The owner of the restaurant said "Our meat is certified Halal. You can view the certificate by asking one of our friendly staff at the tills."
Is Pitaya Strand HMC certified?
No, Pitaya is not HMC certified. See all HMC certified restaurants or learn what HMC certification means.
Is everything Halal at Pitaya Strand?
The owner of Pitaya has verbally confirmed that all meat is Halal. Please confirm with a member of staff before ordering.
Does Pitaya serve Halal in London?
Yes Pitaya is a Halal restaurant in London. Discover more restaurants in London.
Does Pitaya have prayer space?
It has not been reported that Pitaya has a prayer space on-site. Please search for local mosques.
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Halal info
The owner has confirmed Pitaya does serve Halal food. They said: Our meat is certified Halal. You can view the certificate by asking one of our friendly staff at the tills. This status was last updated over a year ago.
From TikTok
Halal Status
Our meat is certified Halal. You can view the certificate by asking one of our friendly staff at the tills.
Halal status was last updated over a year ago.
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We don't have any information on Pitaya Strand's opening hours. Try Google Maps.
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419-420 Strand, London, WC2R 0PS, UK