Slim Chickens Bristol

Glass house, BS1 3BX
slimchickensuk+44 117 930 0603

Updated on 28th January 2023

Fried chicken cooked fresh to order

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Frequently Asked Questions

What cuisines does Slim Chickens Bristol serve?

Slim Chickens serves Burgers, Chicken, Fast Food.

Is Slim Chickens Bristol Halal?

Yes, Slim Chickens does serve Halal food. The owner of the restaurant said "We serve chicken from a supplier certified as Halal by HFA. Bacon is served on in this store but there is no cross-contamination."

Is Slim Chickens Bristol HMC certified?

No, Slim Chickens is not HMC certified. See all HMC certified restaurants or learn what HMC certification means.

Is everything Halal at Slim Chickens Bristol?

Slim Chickens serves Pork but has reported that measures are taken to prevent cross contamination with Halal meat. Please see the full Halal Status on this page for details or confirm with staff before ordering.

Does Slim Chickens serve Halal in Bristol?

Yes Slim Chickens is a Halal restaurant in Bristol. Discover more restaurants in Bristol.

Does Slim Chickens have prayer space?

It has not been reported that Slim Chickens has a prayer space on-site. Please search for local mosques.

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Halal info

The owner has confirmed Slim Chickens does serve Halal food. They said: We serve chicken from a supplier certified as Halal by HFA. Bacon is served on in this store but there is no cross-contamination.  This status was last updated over a year ago.

Certified by

From TikTok

Halal Status

We serve chicken from a supplier certified as Halal by HFA. Bacon is served on in this store but there is no cross-contamination.

Halal status was last updated over a year ago.


Harikrishnan Gopalakrishnan

6 months ago


Kids meal was good. They got good milk shakes. Kids meal is £5 and main meals are around £11. Korean wings were a bit salty. Kids friendly place. They got app and it’s easy to order to table. Friendly staff

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Opening Hours

Sunday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Monday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Tuesday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Wednesday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Thursday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Friday: 11:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Saturday: 11:00 AM – 11:00 PM

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Glass house, Cabot Circus, Broadmead, Bristol, BS1 3BX, UK